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Education~School of General Education
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Moses Mendelssohn Jewish High School

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The Jüdische Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn in Berlin-Mitte is a state-recognized private school of the Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin. With lessons in Hebrew and Jewish religious education, kosher lunch and the celebration of Jewish holidays, the school wants to set an example for living Judaism in Berlin's educational landscape. At the same time, the school is open to members of all denominations and thus seeks to promote social integration and acceptance.

Former schoolhouse of the "Hascharath Zwi" Halberstadt (1827-58)

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On the basis of a private foundation of the Halberstadt merchant Hirsch Köslin (died 1795), the general Jewish school "Hascharath Zwi" was founded in May 1796. From March 1797 it was housed in Judenstraße 27 - the first Halberstadt school building including a teacher's apartment.

After reorganization of the school, a first class of girls was also established in January 1827. Space became scarce, and so in October 1827 the school was able to move into a second schoolhouse at Judenstraße 18, diagonally opposite.

Former schoolhouse of the "Hascharath Zwi" Halberstadt (1797-1881)

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As in other communities, schooling for Jewish children in Halberstadt was still limited to traditional religious content (Talmud Torah) until the end of the 18th century. They were taught in private homes or in the Klaussynagoge in Rosenwinkel 18. On the basis of a private foundation of the respected Halberstadt merchant Hirsch (Zwi) Köslin (d. 1795), also called Hirsch Isaac Borchert, the general education Jewish school "Hascharath Zwi" was finally founded in May 1796.

Former Jewish school "Hascharath Zwi" Halberstadt (1899-1941/42)

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On the basis of a private foundation of the Halberstadt merchant Hirsch (Zwi) Köslin (d. 1795), the general Jewish school "Hascharath Zwi" was founded in May 1796. Its main purpose was to impart basic religious as well as secular knowledge to children from poor families - an innovative concept for the traditional Jewish communities of the late 18th century. After rather modest beginnings at Judenstraße 27 (from 1797), the "Hascharath Zwi" was reformed after 1824. In 1827, a first class of girls was established and another school building was occupied at Judenstraße 18.

Theodor Herzl School

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A first forerunner of the Theodor Herzl School was founded in 1920. Due to the constant growth in the number of students, they had to move regularly. During the National Socialist era, the number of students tripled; in 1936, it rose to as many as 609. In 1934, the school found its final location at Kaiserdamm 78. The special feature was that an emphasis was placed on the teaching of Jewish history as well as Hebrew, which can be justified by the fact that it was a Zionist school that prepared its students for emigration to Palestine.

Former Jewish school

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In 1725 the house was purchased by a Jewish couple. The man was head of the Jewish community. Thus for the 1st time in Linz a Jewish couple, without opposition of the Christian majority, became owners of a property. In 1841 the house became the property of the Jewish community, which bought it. From then on it was used as a community center. The Jewish community center developed here. The prayer room was located on the upper floor, and the children were also taught there. In 1844, the teacher Moses Heilbronn was hired. The Jüd.