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Nürnberger Straße 3a
63450 Hanau

50.131648618832, 8.922025904885

From 1890, the Jewish Community House also housed the Jewish Community School. This was crucial to the development of the community, as the Jewish Community School allowed for an autonomous, Jewish education for children.

For a long time there was vehement resistance from the Hanau Vorsteheramt against an independent, Jewish school system. Officially, the aim was to bring the Jewish community closer to the Christian community and to put aside mutual prejudices. At the same time, however, one reason was that the "Jewish youth should give up a number of bad habits".

When the Jewish community school was finally allowed to open after all, it was probably less about an open-minded minority policy. In the foreground was rather the preservation of the Christian character of the state. Thus one set finally nevertheless on a denominationally separated school system.

Dorothee Schimpf: Emanzipation und Bildungswesen der Juden im Kurfürstentum Hessen 1807-1866, Jüdische Identität zwischen Selbstbehauptung und Assimilationsdruck (Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen), Wiesbaden 1994.
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