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Solr Facette
Education~Talmud Torah School (Religious School)
Term ID

Jewish-Christian Simultaneous School

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The Christian-Jewish simultaneous school in Grünstadt existed since 1870. Previously, there was a Jewish denominational school until 1869. Classes were taught jointly by a Jewish and Christian teacher. In 1875 however, when the vacancy for a Jewish teacher was to be filled, difficulties arose with the Bavarian school authorities, which the Grünstadt city council successfully resisted. The position was re-advertised and finally filled by Benjamin Freudenthal who was to teach at the school for 35 years thereafter. The school was in operation until 1910.

Jewish School (Weimar)

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There was no religious school in Weimar. For the first time, and only temporarily, a rabbi was employed in 1839/40 to teach the children the Jewish faith: Dr. Avraham Hirsh Levisohn, tutor to the Elkan family. It was not until the turn of the century that there were renewed activities to establish regular Jewish religious education. The Israelite Religious Association, founded in 1903, was dedicated to this purpose. From 1909 to 1913 there was a religious school with 10 children, later still small group instruction.

Jewish school (Hildburghausen)

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To take care of religious duties of the community was employed a teacher, who was also active as a prayer leader and shochet. In 1864, a private Jewish house was converted into a schoolhouse with a teacher's apartment. At the Lehrerseminar in Hildburghausen since the 1st half of the 19th century over several decades Jewish teachers were also trained.


Religious school of the municipality

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To take care of religious tasks of the community was in the time of the 19th / 20th century no own teacher employed. Rather, an external teacher came regularly to the community. The Jewish community, which called itself "Jüdische Religionsvereinigung e.V." (Jewish Religious Association), belonged to the State Rabbinate of Saxony-Weimer-Eisenach with headquarters in Eisenach.  To teach the then five Jewish children came around 1924 teacher Jungmann from Gotha weekly in the community.
