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Jewish cemetery Arnstadt

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A brick wall forms the demarcation between the main cemetery and the Jewish cemetery. Already the medieval Jewish community had a cemetery, which is mentioned between 1428 and 1521. It was located in the direction of Holzhausen on Ichtershäuser Straße. Traces of this cemetery have not been preserved. Until 1921 the dead of the Jewish community were buried in Plaue or in other places (especially in home towns of the deceased). The land for the establishment of a Jewish cemetery in Arnstadt was acquired by the Jewish community in 1912.

Jewish cemetery

Complete profile

The Arnstadt community had a synagogue (mentioned in 1347 in a partition agreement between Count Günter XXI and the sons of his brother Heinrich) and a cemetery on Ichtershäuser Straße (or Erfurter Straße?, but it is unclear at what time it is mentioned in the Middle Ages - the cemetery is mentioned in 1428 and 1521).

Medieval Jewish Cemetery (Nuremberg)

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The medieval Jewish community had a first cemetery in the 13th century, which was probably located in the area of the still existing "Judengasse". A few remains of this cemetery are still preserved by the fact that several stones were used, for example, in the construction of the Lorenzkirche and were rediscovered (today in the funeral hall of the cemetery on Schnieglinger Straße). This first cemetery was probably destroyed during the terrible persecution in 1298.

Jewish Union Cemetery Laudenbach near Karlstadt

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Presumably towards the end of the 16th century, the site on the Laudenbacher Schlossberg is purchased by various Jewish communities from the region around Laudenbach and used as a cemetery. On the occasion of a Jewish census  in 1623 a gravedigger is mentioned for the first time, 30 years later a document mentions an own administrator (Gabbai) for the cemetery, the synagogue and the mikvah (1655). The enclosure wall of the cemetery was built in 1873/74. A Bavarian-wide collection is started to finance the construction project. In 1930 the area is extended to its present size.