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Jewish cemetery Moritzberg

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On the slope of Bergholz, at the end of Bennostra;e, on the edge of the old Bennoburgfeld the partially preserved Jüdische Friedhof of the former village of Moritzberg, where there was a small Jüdische Gemeinde since the 16th century. There are 29 preserved gravestones from 1780 to 1849, most of which have a Hebrew or German inscription, but two have an English inscription. During the Nazi period, the cemetery remained untouched, as its leveling or removal was deemed "not important for the war The gravestones were rearranged and laid horizontally in 1960.

Jewish cemetery Bilina / Bilin

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The Jüdische cemetery in Bílina / Bilin  was established in 1891 and consecrated on April 5, 1892 by Rabbi Dr. Adolf Kurrein from Teplice/Teplitz. It is located right next to the Catholic Cemetery.  The Chewra Kadischa (burial society) was founded in 1895. The cemetery, which was severely damaged by the Nazis in 1938, has been preserved to this day, but parts of it have fallen into disrepair.

Jewish cemetery Celle

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In the last third of the 17th century, George William of Brunswick-Lüneburg settled four Jewish families in Celle. Among the first facilities of this community was its own cemetery. For this purpose, the sovereign granted the Jews of Celle a plot of land on the border of the village of Klein Hehlen. From 1704 the Jewish community tried to surround the cemetery, because the wandering cattle repeatedly caused grave damage. It was not until 1714 that the rezoning of the cemetery was allowed. In addition, a warning sign was erected and in 1739 a guard house was built.

Dresden - New Jewish Cemetery with Temporary Synagogue and Tahara

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After the first Jüdische cemetery on the territory of the Kingdom of Saxony at the Pulsnitzer Stra;e in Dresden-Neustadt had become too small, acquired 1864 the Jüdische community to Dresden a plot of land for the creation of a new cemetery in the district Johannstadt.

New Jewish Cemetery Teplice / Nový židovský hřbitov v Teplicích

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The New Jewish Cemetery was founded in 1862 in the northwest of the town of Teplice as part of the town cemetery. A brick enclosure separates both parts of the burial grounds. The new cemetery has about 3,500 graves. It was destroyed during the Nazi period and reconstructed in 2001/2002. The Tahara and other buildings were thoroughly restored in 2008.

Jewish cemetery Jemgum

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The cemetery of the municipality of Jemgum was acquired in 1848 and first occupied in 1854. It is located at the Sieltif. Previously, the Jews of Jemgum used the cemeteries of the surrounding Jewish communities. The cemetery is 1100 square meters. Today there are still 13 gravestones.

Lublin - New Jewish Cemetery

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The new Jewish cemetery was established in 1829 on land outside the then Lublin city limits. Around 1839 the cemetery was surrounded by a wall. In the following years the area was enlarged by the purchase of land. In 1918, a plot of land was added to the north, where a military cemetery was established.