21073 Harburg
The Jüdische Friedhof Harburg, also Jüdischer Friedhof Schwarzenbergstra;e was the Begräbnisplatz of the synagogue community Harburg-Wilhelmsburg, it is located in today's Hamburg district of Harburg on the Schwarzenbergstraße above the Elbhang and covers about two hectares.
The cemetery probably exists since the beginning of the settlement of Jews in Harburg at the beginning of the 17th century. Century, spätestens since 1690.
1813 he was heavily damaged by Schanzarbeiten French soldiers, so that today no älteren Gräber more are preserved.
1857 was built a mortuary, which was supplemented in 1900 by a prayer room.
Für the war dead of the First World War was built at the entrance a memorial. The last burial took place in 1935, as the cemetery was occupied.
On November 10, 1938, the mortuary at the Jüdischer Friedhof was set on fire.
Data source:, copyright: Creative Commons 3.0
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