Am Judenfriedhof - Verlängerung Dammackerweg
Lower Saxony
30880 Laatzen
The cemetery at the Stichstra;e "Am Judenfriedhof", an extension of the Dammackerweg, probably exists since at least 1749. The first ascertainable burial, the gravestone Levi Selig, points to the year 1840. The jüngste gravestone was for a long time that of the couple Arnold and Else Frank, who were buried here in 1936 and 1938. From the time before the Second World War, a total of 52 graves with 51 gravestones are preserved.
Since 1997, the Jewish community of Hanover buries its dead here again, as the cemetery was not considered fully occupied. For this the original cemetery area of 628 square meters was extended by existing farmland in the size of 636 square meters.
The cemetery is today in the possession of the Landesverband der Jüdischen Gemeinden von Niedersachsen K.d.ö.R.

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