Jewish Community
Solr Facette
Jewish Community
Term ID

Religious teacher, cantor - Leo Neumann

Complete profile

Leo Neumann was born on January 7, 1895 in Mikstadt (Mixstadt, formerly Schildberg district, Posen province) in Poland; his parents were the merchant Abraham Neumann and Charlotte Neumann. On August 26, 1919, Leo Neumann married Berta  Leppek, who was born there on September 14, 1895, in Kobylin. Her parents were the teacher Isidor Leppek and Jette Leppek, née Baruch. Leo and Berta Neumann had three children - Charlotte, born on June 20, 1920 in Schwersenz, Herta, born on June 13, 1922 in Berlin and Jost Joachim, born on September 3, 1925 in Feuchtwangen.

Jewish Community Hildesheim e.V. - Synagogue with a community center

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The Jüdische Gemeinde Hildesheim e.V. was founded on January 25, 1997. It is a member of the Landesverband der Jüdischen Gemeinden von Niedersachsen K.d.ö.R.

On 10 November 2009, the liberal community was able to inaugurate its synagogue with a community center.

Jewish Community Center Krefeld

Complete profile

On the initiative of the then Lord Mayor Dieter Pützhofen and 
of the Jewish community had been 1998 the association donation Dr. Isidor 
. Hirschfelder had been founded. This association had and has among other things the 
Task to establish a Jewish community center in Krefeld, the 
Jewish culture in the Lower Rhine to promote and the Jewish history at the
 Lower Rhine to promote.

Jewish Community Center Mönchengladbach

Complete profile

The reconstruction of Gladbach's Jewish community began as early as the summer of 1945. The driving force behind this was Kurt Hecht, who returned to his homeland after his imprisonment in a concentration camp in Mechelen and became chairman of the community for many years.

The Jewish community of Mönchengladbach today also includes the districts of Viersen, Erkelenz, Heinsberg and Grevenbroich. By the end of the 1960s, the community had grown to 120 people. Due to the influx of many Jews from the former Soviet territories in the 1990s, the community continued to grow. 

Kibbutz Buchenwald

Complete profile

The Kibbutz Buchenwald, which had previously been located on a farm in Eggendorf in Thüringen, was a Hachscharastätte founded by 16 Üsurvivors of the Kibbutz Buchenwald on 03 June 1945. On June 26, due to the Soviet occupation, the location changed to Gehringshof in the American sector. The group was organized collectively and consisted of religious and secular, mainly German and Polish youth. Some were convinced Zionists, others were more pragmatic. Before the first group of 80 people made their aliyah to Palestine in September 1945.