Jewish Community
Solr Facette
Jewish Community
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Against the former location of the synagogue, there has been a memorial stone since 1964, which commemorates the expelled Jewish community. It is accompanied by a plaque that gives explanations about the historical background. Behind this memorial are wall remains of the „Hexen-“ or „Diebsturm“, part of the medieval fortifications of the old town of Hanau. In 1605–1608, this tower housed the first temporary synagogue of the community.

Jewish Community Center

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The Jewish community house, built in the 18th century and acquired by the Jewish community after the opening of the Hanau ghetto, was located on the property, as well as the Jewish community school since 1890. The community house itself played a decisive role. The fact that the community house was acquired was an important stage in the development of the community. It was a step from isolation in the ghetto to becoming an emancipated part of the urban community. But a community house also strengthens a community in other ways.