Jewish Community
Solr Facette
Jewish Community
Term ID

Jewish community "Rebirth" LK Oberhavel

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Since May 2000, the small Jewish community in Oranienburg exists, which counted about 80 members in 2005; the "community rebirth" belongs to the state association of Jewish communities in Brandenburg.

Elena Miropolskaya is the chairwoman of the community. The congregation has 128 members (as of 2018/ZWST).

The congregation has one rabbi.

Youth Club LIFROACH Potsdam

Complete profile

Every other Sunday, students meet at the lifroach youth club and teach younger children Jewish customs, festivals and Hebrew. The children and youth (madrichim=caregivers) begin with a prayer before the meal and end it again with a prayer. After the meal and between the lessons there are games for the little ones to loosen up. 

Also, the young people exchange ideas with communities in other countries.

Jewish Community of Berlin K.d.ö.R.

Complete profile

The Jewish Community of Berlin is organized as a unitary congregation that operates six community synagogues, both Orthodox and liberal. Since 2006, Berlin has also had a Sephardic synagogue. Three rabbis of the Jewish community and several other rabbis, including a woman again since 2007, work in Berlin. With more than 10,000 members (March 1, 2018) the Jewish Community of Berlin is the largest Jewish community in Germany.


Complete profile

Documents about Jewish life in Wesel are found for the first time for the year 1266. Through the persecutions in the context of the Crusades to the plague pogroms around 1350, only individual Jewish families in Wesel can be traced.
. A modest Jewish community had emerged toward the end of the 16th century, and a century later a significant and successful community had developed. Around the year 1900, the maximum number of Jewish citizens was 300 people. They played a significant role in the economic life.