Linen store - Herz Seligmann Aschrott

Complete profile

The merchant Herz Seligmann Aschrott of Hochheim am Main owned a vineyard and lands in Hochheim and operated a linen trade in Kassel. In 1838, the family moved to Kassel. The son of Herz Seligmann Aschrott and his wife Regine, Sigmund Aschrott, who was born on June 14, 1826 still in Hochheim, returned to Kassel after his apprenticeship in a colonial wholesaler in Frankfurt, expanded his father's business and thus became the "father of the Kassel textile industry". He thus brought world renown to the Kassel linen industry.

Jewish cemetery Bovenden

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On the crest of the Lohberg is, stretched out on a length of approx. 300 m, the former Jewish cemetery, which was put on approximately around the year 1680 and on which today still 65 gravestones are to be found. The oldest ones date back to the 1770s and 1780s, while the youngest ones date back to 1926. (Source: Wikipedia)

Jewish cemetery (Schönebeck)

Complete profile

Coming from the direction of Magdeburg, one drives in the direction of the center to a fork, from which it goes half-right to the center of the village and half-left over the railroad into Wilhelm-Heilge-Strasse. From this street one turns into the second possibility to the left, into the Welsleber Str. The third street to the left is the Dorotheenstr., a dead end, at whose end - before the ramp of an overpass over the railroad - the cemetery lies.