Department store - H. Bach

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Hermann and Frieda Bach ran the department store H. Bach at Markt 31 in Mittweida until the death of Hermann Bach in 1925. After that  his wife Frieda Bach and son Herbert Bach continued to run the department store. When the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the Bach department store also suffered from the boycott calls and had to close in 1935.Herbert Bach continued to operate a small store after the closure. On November 9, 1937, Herbert Bach was killed in a fall from the 2nd floor of the stairwell into the courtyard of the district court.

Bicycle shop, velodrome - Simon Oberdorfer

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Simon Oberdorfer ran a bicycle shop and repair shop at Arnulfsplatz 4 and the local - establishment " Velodrom ". Already in 1898, the Velodrom was visited by well over 1200 people in one event. There was temporarily a 32-man " People's Symphony Orchestra ", but also magicians, jugglers, artists and singers were guests.

Mikvah Aldingen

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The Jewish community acquired a building site in 1825 and built a house with a mikveh (Jewish ritual bath) by 1826. In the purchase contract the community had secured itself: The contract could be canceled if no water was found "at a usable depth" within 30 days, which was apparently the case. In 1832 a stove was purchased to heat the water. On the second floor there was a baking oven, in which the Jewish community probably made matzos. In the building today, due to alterations, no traces of the mikvah can be traced.

Lina Morgenstern residence

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Lina Morgenstern was a writer, women's rights activist and social activist. Born on November 25 in Breslau as the third of six children of the Jewish furniture and antique dealer Albert Bauer and his wife Fanny (née Adler), she founded the " Pfennigverein zur Unterstützung armer Schulkinder" (penny association for the support of poor schoolchildren) in Breslau together with friends as early as 1848. In 1854 she married the merchant Theodor Morgenstern (1827-1910) and moved to Berlin. In 1857 Lina Morgenstern began writing children's books.

City rabbi - Dr. Victor Kurrein

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Victor Kurrein was 2nd city rabbi 1918, city rabbi from 1919 to 1923. In the city address book of the city of Karlsruhe from 1920, under the address - Kaiserstraße 34 and 34a -  the " Israelitische Gemeinde "  is listed. The following are the various entries - Kaiserstraße 34.- Israelitische Gemeinde  1st - Hockenjos Wilh., BildhauerWe.  Schorpp Friedr., Dampfwaschanstalt (store),  3rd Eisenmann Ad., FabriktWe.  Haschik Marie., Privat.  - Kaiserstr.34a. - Israelite Community. - 1. Rosenthal Emil, KfmWe; 2. Appel Dr. Meier, RabbiWe. Kurrein Dr.