39218 Schönebeck (Elbe)
Coming from the direction of Magdeburg, one drives in the direction of the center to a fork, from which it goes half-right to the center of the village and half-left over the railroad into Wilhelm-Heilge-Strasse. From this street one turns into the second possibility to the left, into the Welsleber Str. The third street to the left is the Dorotheenstr., a dead end, at whose end - before the ramp of an overpass over the railroad - the cemetery lies.
Of the once about 50 graves, less than 10 have survived. They are lined up as seen from the (locked) entrance on the left side. Opposite the entrance is a memorial stone. The site is best overlooked from the entrance and from the foot and bike path running above it to the bridge.
Condition of preservation: Maintained.
As of May 2007.
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