Korytowski, Regina
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née Graetz, born on February 1, 1868 in Wollstein, last lived with her daughter Hilde Meyerstein; deported on August 6, 1942 from Berlin to the Theresienstadt ghetto,
Kayser, Albert
Complete profile
Oct. 23, 2012
born Nov. 28, 1898 in
born Nov. 28, 1898 in
Kairies, Marie
Complete profile
née Springer, born on February 25, 1870 in
Jospe, Henriette
Complete profile
née Hopp, born on July 30, 1914 in Berlin, married to Heinz Hermann Jospe, joint son Awigdor; last worked as a fitter at the Elektrica company at Hauptstraße 49 in Schöneberg;
Jospe, Awigdor
Complete profile
born on August 3, 1940 in Berlin, son of Heinz Hermann Jospe and his wife Henriette; deported on January 12, 1943 from Berlin to the