Braun, Paul
Complete profile
Paul Ernst Braun was born in Berlin on February 18, 1898, the son of the merchant Benno Braun and his wife Alice, née Joelsohn.
Abel, George
Complete profile
May 5, 2003
Georg Abel (* September 28, 1876 in
Georg Abel (* September 28, 1876 in
Braun, Frieda
Complete profile
Frieda Braun, née Rotholz, was born on April 3, 1889 in
Braun, Alice
Complete profile
Alice Joelsohn was born in Berlin on September 29, 1873, the daughter of Julius Joelsohn and his wife Betty née Seligsohn.
Boronov, Erich J.
Complete profile
Erich Julius Boronow was born in Breslau on August 25, 1906, the son of the dentist Josef Boronow and his wife Ella Rosine née Glücksmann.