Casvan, Louisette
Complete profile
Louisette Casvan was born in Paris on January 12, 1937, the daughter of Avner Casvan and his wife Golda née Melber.
Casvan, Golda
Complete profile
Golda Melber was born on December 25, 1902 in Dobromil, Poland (now Ukraine), the daughter of Shmuel Melber and his wife Dina.
Casvan, Avner
Complete profile
Avner Casvan was born on May 25, 1899 in Jassy, formerly Romania, now Moldova, the son of Moses Casvan and his wife Malka Mathilde née Mates.
Bruhl, Hedwig
Complete profile
Hedwig Wasser was born in Krotoschin on May 7, 1890, the daughter of Moritz Wasser and his wife Philippine née Rosenthal.
Brenner, Franzes
Complete profile
Franziska (Fränzes) Brenner was born in Leipzig on February 15, 1891, the daughter of Heinrich Brenner and his wife Fanny née Beckmann.