Cohn, Betty
Complete profile
Betty Cohn was born in Frankfurt/Oder on November 20, 1878, the daughter of Selig Cohn and his wife Ernestine née Philippsborn.
Cohn, Alfred
Complete profile
Alfred Cohn was born on June 10, 1880 in Stallupönen/East Prussia to Jewish parents. He married Elsbeth Aris, who was also Jewish, in Danzig in 1911. The couple ran a large department store in Wartenberg/East Prussia. During World War I, Alfred Cohn served as an officer; two of his brothers died in combat. Three children were born: Ruth Betty in 1912, Georg Joachim in 1914, and Georg Gideon in 1915. In 1936, the couple sold the department store due to increasing repression and moved to Berlin to Fregestr. 71. The three children were able to flee to Palestine or to England and the USA.
Rühlmann, Kurt
Complete profile
<p>Kurt Rühlmann was born on April 26, 1903 in Beelitz (Brandenburg).</p>
Keil, Günther
Complete profile
<p>Günther Keil was born on April 5, 1909 in Berlin. </p>
Cohn, Adolf
Complete profile
Adolf Cohn came into the world on December 15, 1881 in Znin in a Jewish family.
Gentsch, Erich
Complete profile
<p>Erich Gentsch was born on August 1, 1893 in Altenburg (Thuringia). </p>
Davidsohn, Richard
Complete profile
<p>Richard Davidsohn was born on March 6, 1873 in Preußisch Stargard (West Prussia) / Starogard Gdański.</p>