Lange, Herta
Complete profile
Mar. 26, 2015
Herta Lange, born in Berlin on Aug. 10, 1923, was the only survivor of her family's deportation on March 3, 1943, to the death camp
Herta Lange, born in Berlin on Aug. 10, 1923, was the only survivor of her family's deportation on March 3, 1943, to the death camp
Lange, Hanni
Complete profile
Mar 26, 2015
Hanni Lange was born in Berlin on August 18, 1928, and from 1935 to 1938 attended the
Hanni Lange was born in Berlin on August 18, 1928, and from 1935 to 1938 attended the
Lange, Eugen
Complete profile
Mar 26, 2015
Eugen Lange was born on March 1, 1895 in Antonienhütte,
Eugen Lange was born on March 1, 1895 in Antonienhütte,
Fonden, Dorothea
Complete profile
Dorothea Fonden and two other employees of the district administration of Friedrichshain (then Horst-Wessel-Stadt) expressed their protest against the Nazi regime with a mocking poem, which was also distributed among colleagues.