Senger, Gunter
Complete profile
May 7, 2004
Günter Senger, born March 18, 1926 in Berlin; deported to Auschwitz with the 29th Osttransport on February 19, 1943.
Günter Senger, born March 18, 1926 in Berlin; deported to Auschwitz with the 29th Osttransport on February 19, 1943.
Senger, Erna
Complete profile
May 7, 2004
Erna Senger, née Dann, born December 27, 1895 in Seelow near Lebus; deported to Auschwitz with the 29th Osttransport on February 19, 1943.
Erna Senger, née Dann, born December 27, 1895 in Seelow near Lebus; deported to Auschwitz with the 29th Osttransport on February 19, 1943.
Cierer, Ilona
Complete profile
Ilona Cierer had six siblings: Martin, Siegfried, Ruth, Eva, Herbert and Arthur. Her parents were Josef and Cacilie Reich
Gotthilff, Ernst
Complete profile
Ernst Gotthilff was born on May 25, 1870 in Rummelsburg/Pomerania, the son of Siegfried Gotthilff, a physician, and his wife Malwine, née Pinner.
Senger, Edith
Complete profile
May 7, 2004
Edith Senger, born July 22, 1923 in Berlin; deported to Auschwitz on the 29th Osttransport on February 19, 1943.
Edith Senger, born July 22, 1923 in Berlin; deported to Auschwitz on the 29th Osttransport on February 19, 1943.
Lewinsohn, Rita
Complete profile
Nov. 30, 2012
Rita Lewinsohn, born July 9, 1931 in Berlin; deported to Auschwitz on the 33rd Osttransport on March 3, 1943.
Rita Lewinsohn, born July 9, 1931 in Berlin; deported to Auschwitz on the 33rd Osttransport on March 3, 1943.