Lazarus cobbler

Complete profile

Lazarus Schuster was a merchant who lived in Schlüchterner Stra;e 3 in Sterbfritz and had a shop there. He was married to Regine (Reichle) Schuster, born on August 20, 1817 - died on July 20, 1891. Lazarus Schuster and his wife found their last resting place in the Jewish cemetery in Obergronau. In the 1920s the residential and business house was sold to Konrad Hartmann, whose niece Maria, married to Johann Müller von Hannhennersch inherited the house with the grocery store. The Schuster couple had a son - Moses, born November 9, 1856 in Sterbfritz - died December 28, 1920 in Sterbfritz.

Perlstein family

Complete profile

Here lived:

1) David Perlstein (born 1864), deported 1942, murdered in Riga

2) Henny Perlstein (born 1897), deported 1942 Riga, murdered in Stutthof

3) Mathilde Perlstein, née Heimbach (born 1876), deported 1942, murdered in Riga

Seelig family

Complete profile

Here lived:

1) Meta Seelig, née Steinweg (born 1899), deported 1941, murdered in Riga 1943

2) Kurt Seelig (born 1933), deported 1941, murdered November 2, 1943 in Riga.

3) Paul Seelig (born 1927), deported 1941, Riga, murdered November 1943 in Riga

4) Reinhold Seelig