House of Willie Sterner

Complete profile

"... [Helen Shein] was gorgeous and smart. Helen had been brought up in a very religious home and we lived in the same building on Zamoyskiego 10. We loved each other very much and my family loved her too ... Of course, we did not have a television at that time, but in the evening we read books and Polish and Jewish newspapers and listened to the radio or records played on a gramophone. "

The cemetery of Basel

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The first Jewish cemetery of Basel was established at the beginning of the 13th century. The cemetery was located in front of the city. The graves were found during construction work in the forties and moved to the new cemetery.

 The second Jewish cemetery was located in the city, but was used only briefly, as the Jews were expelled from the city in e1397.

When a new Jewish community was founded in 1805, the dead were first buried in Hegenheim in France.

The cemetery of Ballenstedt

Complete profile


Coming from the direction of Hoym, one reaches a small driveway to the right immediately before the place name sign "Ballenstedt". About it one reaches the entrance of the cemetery.


The large area, enclosed by a wall, is empty except for a memorial stone erected in its center. The preserved about 15 gravestones were placed along the right outer wall (seen from the gate). Four memorial plaques are placed at its near-gate end.

The gate is locked, a plaque placed there indicates that a key is available at the town hall, room 11.

Law firm - Dr. Leopold Ambrunn

Complete profile

Leopold Ambrunn was born in Munich on June 23, 1884, the son of a merchant. He studied law in Munich and Berlin. He received his doctorate in law in Heidelberg in 1910. His admission to the Munich courts spanned the period 1911 - 30.11.1938. On 9.11.1938 his apartment and law office were stormed and looted. From 10.11.1938 he was imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp for about weeks. On 4.4.1942 his deportation from Munich to Piaski in Galicia.

The cemetery in Neustadt an der Saale

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The cemetery is located in the western outskirts of Bad Neustadt at the lower end of Mozartstraße. One approaches him from the south, where also the entrance is. From the gate a small chestnut avenue measures through the area, which rises steeply to the north. The graves in the almost square field are oriented to the east. Only the western part is occupied, the eastern half has remained empty. The side with the entrance gate is protected by a wall, on the other three sides there is wire mesh fence.