Jewish cemetery (Beerfelden)
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The Jewish cemetery Beerfelden is a cemetery in Beerfelden, a district of Oberzent in the Odenwaldkreis in Hesse. It is listed as a cultural monument.
Jewish cemetery (Rückingen)
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The Jewish Cemetery Rückingen was the cemetery for the inhabitants of Jewish faith in Rückingen, which today belongs to Erlensee in the Main-Kinzig district (Hesse).
Jewish cemetery (Salmünster)
Complete profile
The Salmünster Jewish Cemetery is a cemetery in Salmünster, a district of Bad Soden-Salmünster in the Main-Kinzig district of Hesse, Germany.
Jewish cemetery (Schlitz)
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The Jewish cemetery in Schlitz, a town in the Vogelsbergkreis in Hesse, was built in 1898/99. The Jewish cemetery is located in the north of the town, about one hundred meters above the municipal cemetery on the Grabenberg.
Old Jewish Cemetery (Schlüchtern)
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The Old Jewish Cemetery Schlüchtern is a cemetery in the town of Schlüchtern in the Main-Kinzig district in the German state of Hesse.
Jewish cemetery (Reichelsheim, Odenwald)
Complete profile
The Jewish cemetery Reichelsheim is a cemetery in the municipality Reichelsheim in the Odenwaldkreis in Hesse. It is listed as a cultural monument. The Jewish cemetery is located directly north of the village not far from the comprehensive school, the sports field and the sportsmen's home on the street "An der Ruh".
New Jewish Cemetery (Schlüchtern)
Complete profile
The New Jewish Cemetery Schlüchtern is a cemetery in the city of Schlüchtern in the Main-Kinzig district in the German state of Hesse.
Jewish cemetery (Rohrbach)
Complete profile
The Jewish Cemetery Rohrbach is a cemetery located in Rohrbach, a district of Büdingen in the Wetteraukreis region of Hesse,
Jewish cemetery (Schotten)
Complete profile
The Jewish cemetery in Schotten, a community in the Vogelsbergkreis in Hesse, was established in the 17th century. The Jewish cemetery is located in the west of the city on the Julie-Herold-Straße.
Jewish cemetery Spangenberg
Complete profile
The Spangenberg Jewish Cemetery is located in Spangenberg in the Schwalm-Eder district of Hesse.