New Jewish Cemetery (Burgsteinfurt)

Complete profile
The New Jewish Cemetery Burgsteinfurt is located in the district Burgsteinfurt of the city of Steinfurt in the district Steinfurt in North Rhine-Westphalia. As a Jewish cemetery it is a monument and since August 31, 1987 it is registered under monument number 213 in the list of monuments in Steinfurt. On the cemetery Hohenzollernstraße / Gerichtsstraße 95 gravestones are preserved.

Jewish cemetery Werne

Complete profile
The Jewish Cemetery Werne is located at the "southwest corner" of the old town of Werne (North Rhine-Westphalia) between the Schüttenwall and the city wall. It is now about 700 m², its original size is unknown. Today there are still 37 graves with 35 gravestones (mazewot) in the cemetery.