Synagogue Reichenbachstraße (Munich)

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About its construction and its inauguration on September 5, 1931 could be read in the Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeit on September 15, 1931: "Inauguration ceremony of the new synagogue in Munich. On Saturday, September 5, the new synagogue of the Eastern Jewish prayer hall associations Linath-Hazedek and Agudath-Achim in Munich on Reichenbachstrasse was handed over to its intended purpose in a solemn act in which the entire Jewish community of Munich participated without distinction of direction." In the last issue of the 'Jüdisches Echo' Dr.

Jewish Union Cemetery Laudenbach near Karlstadt

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Presumably towards the end of the 16th century, the site on the Laudenbacher Schlossberg is purchased by various Jewish communities from the region around Laudenbach and used as a cemetery. On the occasion of a Jewish census  in 1623 a gravedigger is mentioned for the first time, 30 years later a document mentions an own administrator (Gabbai) for the cemetery, the synagogue and the mikvah (1655). The enclosure wall of the cemetery was built in 1873/74. A Bavarian-wide collection is started to finance the construction project. In 1930 the area is extended to its present size.