Synagogue Rathofstraße (Oppenheim)

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Already in the Middle Ages was a synagogue: This is the still preserved building of the Rathofkapelle in the Rathofstraße. This building was sold to the Eberbach Monastery (in the Rheingau) in 1394. Due to the rededication and renaming by the monastery, the original use of the building was completely forgotten.  

Synagogue at Trinity Square (Landshut)

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The synagogue in Landshut was one of the necessary facilities of the small Jewish community in Landshut. The synagogue as well as the mikvah (the ritual immersion bath) adjoined the residential houses of the Jews, which were located on the Hofberg. From 1450 the situation of the Jews in the town worsened until their expulsion. The synagogue became a Christian property and was transformed into the Salvator Church. The square where the synagogue stood was from then on called Trinity Square.