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00000 Hohenems
Synagogue built in 1771/72 by baroque master builder Peter Bein; from 1863 to 1867 the interior was rebuilt according to plans of the Swiss architect Felix Wilhelm Kubly The hall is built in barrel-shaped style. The ceiling paintings had a special feature. They did not represent abstract, as was common at that time, but figurative images. The synagogue was rebuilt in the middle of the 19th century and a harmonium was added. After a major fire in 1777, which destroyed almost the entire Jewish quarter, the Israelitengasse was rebuilt with the synagogue and some of the houses that still exist today. Last use: fire station
The synagogue is preserved and used as a banquet hall, also the former school, the supply homes for the old and poor and numerous other houses and villas can still be represented.
In the neighborhood of the synagogue you can find smaller houses, which probably belonged to Jewish small traders. Next to them are the large villas of the Rosenthal family from the 19th century. A strict separation of Jewish and Christian residential areas no longer existed in the 19th century, Jews and Christians lived together in the houses and streets. The Jüdische quarter is under monument protection.
In the museum exhibits of the Jüdische life in Hohenems are presented in a remarkably interesting way. A visit to the museum is unconventional, gripping and instructive from the first to the last exhibit. It is oriented to the people who lived here and shows us life in Hohenems, but also in Österreich at that time, in a stirring form. Numerous details reveal poignant fates. This museum is an absolute must for
people who are interested in Jewish life.Worth seeing is also the website of the Jewish Museum, with wide-ranging activities and an archive, with a Üoverview of the gravestones in the cemetery, a name index and a Häuserplan of the Jewish Hohrnems.