Bernburg synagogue Breite Straße

Complete profile

Breite Straße 14
06406 Bernburg

51.799754425251, 11.734353317297

The first synagogue in Bernburg was built in 1740, after the prayer room in Breite Straiten;e 27 was no longer available due to sale. As the congregation grew steadily, a new synagogue was inaugurated in 1835 on the site between Buschweg and Breiter Straße 14, one year after the foundation stone was laid. It included a residential building and a school. The representative three-story residential building for rabbis, teachers,  shulters, cemetery gardeners and their households stood directly on Breite Straße, behind it was the school, in the courtyard was the synagogue.Dr. Salomon Herxheimer (1801-1884) worked here from 1831 to 1879 as the rabbi of the Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg. His grave is located in the Jewish cemetery in Bernburg. The synagogue was completely destroyed on the night of November 10, 1938. Nothing remains of the synagogue, the house and the school. The residential building was demolished in 1987 as a result of urban development measures. In 2005, an archaeological excavation was carried out on the site. Only a few finds were recovered. An information board on Breite Strasse recalls the history of the expelled Jewish community and its synagogue. The site is now used as a daycare center. In the garden is the ground plan of the synagogue made visible.  The 1998 founded working group "Jüdische Geschichte in Bernburg" is dedicated to the research of the Jüdische city history as well as the care and preservation traces of Jüdische life. 

Datum Von
Datum bis
1834 bis 10. November1938
Redaktioneller Kommentar
am 9. / 10.11. 1938 Nutzungsende / 9. November 1938
Import Quelle
November pogroms 1938 - complete destruction
Datum Von
Datum bis
10. November 1938
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Synagogen in Sachsen-Anhalt Holger Brülls 1998 Berlin Verlag für Bauwesen 3-345-00653-7
Zeugnisse Jüdischer Kultur Klaus Arlt, Ingrid Ehlers, Alfred Etzold, Kerstin Antje Fahning, Angelika Hergt, Bernd-Lutz Lange, Wolfgang Madai, Reinhard Schmook, Frank Schröder, Heinrich Simon, Cornelia Zimmermann Arlt, Ehlers u.a., 1992 1992 Berlin Tourist Verlag 3-350-00780-5
Bungeroth, Dietrich, Spurensuche. Was wurde aus den Juden der Stadt Bernburg. Herausgegeben vom Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Kulturstiftung Bernburg e.V. 1993, 3. Auflage.
Grossert, Joachim, Zeittafel zur Geschichte der Juden in Bernburg. Herausgegeben vom Landkreis Bernburg, 2004.
Grossert, Joachim, Juden in Bernburg. Aufsatz aus dem Jubiläumsbuch "1050 Jahre Bernburg (Saale) in Anhalt". Herausgegeben von der Stadt Bernburg, 2011.
Krziskewitz, Reiner, Juden in Anhalt-Bernburg im 18. Jahrhundert, Beitrag in den Mitteilungen des Vereins für Anhaltische Landeskunde, 2011.
Wegweiser durch das jüdische Sachsen-Anhalt im Auftrag der Moses Mendelssohn Akademie hrsg. von Jutta Dick und Marina Sassenberg.
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