Mittelstrasse 30
56651 Niederzissen
18 March 2012 opening as a memorial and meeting place and take over the management by Kultur- und Heimatverein Niederzissen e.V.
Since then, a diverse culturally used house with high-quality concerts, lectures, readings and guided tours. Visits by school classes and young people from the church community.
2012 Foundation of a support association to finance projects under the auspices of the Kultur- und Heimatverein Niederzissen e.V
October 12, 2014 opening of the Jewish museum.
In the adjacent former workshop annex is the Jewish museum with a permanent exhibition on the history of the synagogue building, Jewish life once and now, as well as the memory of the Jews deported from the former synagogue community. On the basis of the Niederzissen geniza finds, which are the focus of the exhibition, the past Jewish life with its typical local color is told. The Geniza objects are located in all thematic units. An installation with uncounted fragments of writing on the ceiling of the exhibition room illustrates how extensive and unsorted the find in the attic was.
For the exhibition is deliberately chosen the title "Tagein tagaus", because the exhibited objects come from the everyday life of Jews*Jews in Niederzissen and Jewish everyday life until today is characterized by its own customs and holidays. It is divided into the introduction "On Year and Day" and the five thematic units "Everyday Life", "Working Day", "Festival Day/Memorial Day", "Other Day" and "Nowadays". The titles are taken from common usage in order to present Jewish everyday life as a self-evident participation.