Frankfurter Allee 36B(FreiflächehinterGebäude)
10247 Berlin
52.514382660646, 13.461808271569
The synagogue of the Israelite Association Lichtenberg was founded on 23.6.1935. After the synagogue of the Israelite Association Lichtenberg no longer offered sufficient space, this had to change its location ändern. As a result, the factory building at Frankfurter-Alle 56 was rented. The synagogue now had room for about 600 people. The counseling center of the Jewish Women's Center was located in the adjoining rooms. Furthermore, a reading room for children, the branch of the library of the Jewish community and a Jewish youth center were established. In 1936, members of the Orthodox Synagogue Association of Berlin Lichtenberg were also included in the services. On 9.11.1938, the National Socialists destroyed the synagogue and destroyed about 20 Torah scrolls and numerous pieces of furniture. After these events, there was no Jewish life in the district of Lichtenberg.
The synagogue building was probably destroyed during the Second World War. Today there s a car repair shop and a playground in place of the building.
Foundation of the "Israelitische Vereinigung Friedrichsberg und Umgegend e.V.".
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Inauguration of the new synagogue Frankfurter Allee 56 (Sunday, 10:30 a.m.)
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Members of the Orthodox Synagogue Association Berlin-Lichtenberg included in the services
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
November pogroms: desecration & destruction of the synagogue room, destruction of the furniture & approx. 20 Torahs.
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Destruction of the factory building by bombing in the Second World War
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Fallow land, used as parking space by Otto Pohl (carriage entrepreneur)
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
New buildings on the premises of the Goldbeck car dealership -> debris from the synagogue found during construction
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Gedenkstätten für die Opfer der Nationalsozialisten Teil 2 Ulrike Puvogel (Redaktion), Stefanie Endlich, Nora Goldenbogen, Beatrix Herlemann, Monika Kahl, Regina Scheer Puvogel, 1999 1999 Bonn Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 3-89331-391-5
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