Rathmannsdorfer Straße
39439 Güsten
In Güsten (today belonging to the municipality of Wipperaue/Salzlandkreis) are said to have lived several Jewish families from the middle of the 18th century; the älteste Schutzbrief für einen Juden in Güsten dates from 1709. In the course of the first half of the 19th century, the number of families continued to increase. A Jewish community was not formed until the end of the 1850s, when it adopted a constitution. The deceased were first buried in the cemetery in Neundorf, which was established in the 18th century. A separate burial ground was built around 1830 to the west of the village on the edge of the district (Judenbusch) and was replaced about three decades later by a new one (Ratmannsdorfer Straß). After 1900 the community disbanded due to emigration of its members; at the beginning of the Nazi era only five Jews lived in Güsten. The 20 or so gravestones in the cemetery were demolished and misused during the Nazi era, and an orchard was planted on the site. Today only a memorial stone reminds on the area of the former Jewish cemetery.
from: https://www.xn--jdische-gemeinden-22b.de/index.php/gemeinden/a-b/376-bernburg-saale-sachsen-anhalt
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