Complete profile

Nienburger Straße 24
06406 Bernburg

Früherer Straßenname
Nienburger Straße 24
51.799550832174, 11.737014926087

In Bernburg there were three Jewish banking businesses: Bankhaus Gumpel & Samson in Friedensallee (formerly Kaiserallee), Bankhaus Wolff in Breite Stra&szlig and Bankhaus Levi Calm & Söhne in Nienburger Stra&szlig. The latter was founded by Levi Galm, who had been running a wool trade in Waldau since 1785. The bank operated several plants in Bernburg, including a valve factory, a joint-stock brewery and a lottery business. The bank played a central role in the electrification of the town. In 1896, the town of Bernburg granted it a 50-year concession to operate an electric power station and an electric tramway. This went into operation in 1897. It ran right through the city from the Waldauer Flutbrbrke  to the Parkstraße. By the end of the year, 138 customers were already connected to the newly established electric power plant. In 1905, the bank was converted into a limited partnership, and in 1906, the bank moved into a new representative building at Nienburger Strasse 24. In the same year, the Anhaltisch-Dessauische Landesbank became a silent partner. In 1912, Bankhaus Levi Calm & Söhne went bankrupt and was taken over by the Anhaltisch-Dessauische Landesbank üwhich then operated a branch at the site. After changing use, since 1994 the non-profit association Rückenwind e.V. has been located there, which runs a youth club in the former counter hall. The other Räume serve the association as Büros and Beratungsr 

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19. Jahrhundert
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