Römerstraße 31A
76669 Bad Schönborn
Möbelfabrik Isak Basnizki Bad Schönborn- Langenbrücken
With the establishment of the Grand Duchy of Baden ächanged gradually the legal status of the Jews, 1862 they finally received full citizenship. The equality finally allowed them to choose their profession, to do handicrafts and agriculture.
Jewish Bürger established several cigar factories in the community, and in Langenbrücken the furniture company Isak Basnizki was the most important economic factor.
Isak Basnizki, born in Lithuania in 1853, came to Odenheim in 1872 as a young carpenter looking for work. He convinced the local master carpenter Groß, his future father-in-law, with his great craftsmanship and entrepreneurial skills. This soon enabled him to establish a carpentry business, first in Odenheim and later in Langenbrücken, and to marry Ernestine Groß in 1877. The demand for Basnizki's furniture grew, the clientele and the sales area now extended überregional to nearby foreign countries, so that the furniture distribution required a railroad connection.Langenbrücken had this well-developed railroad connection in the direction of Karlsruhe - Heidelberg - Mannheim.
This is why the company and the family - now with five children - moved to Langenbrücken. The residential and business premises were initially located at Huttenstraß 27. After the company continued to expand, the new factory was built on the larger site opposite the railroad station, today the site of the FFW. Basnizki employed carpenters and workers from the entire area.
The älteste son Gustav, übernnahmte later the business and expanded it further, also with very good Geschäfftsbeziehungen up to the near foreign country.
The increasing repressive measures from 1933 onwards, the disenfranchisement and the economic boycott finally forced the Basnizki family to give up their business. In 1938 they sold their company far below its value.
The Basniziki family emigrated to Switzerland, Holland and South America.
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