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Special factory for electrical control devices Gebr. Cruse & Co

Complete profile

The brothers Johannes and Friedrich Cruse founded the "Spezialfabrik elektrischer Steuerapparate Gebr. Cruse & Co.“ in 1914 and received the corresponding license with trade license no. 1551 dated 15 November 1914. From 1916, their company headquarters were located at Wachsbleichstrasse 26/28 in Dresden-Friedrichstadt, which they and their 80 employees initially had to share with Arnhold and Petzoldt (safe manufacturing) and later with Maschinenfabrik Kreiselrad and Blumenfabrik Oscar Alexander & Co.

RHEOSTAT' - Special factory for electrical apparatus Edmund Kussi GmbH

Complete profile

In August 1911, Edmund Kussi (born on March 24, 1866 in Žihle near Pilsen) and his brothers Johann and Friedrich Cruse founded the company ‚RHEOSTAT – Spezialfabrik elektrischer Apparate Edmund Kussi‘. The company headquarters were located at Freiberger Straße 75. Edmund Kussi was also the owner of a dust extraction machine business at Waisenhausstraße 24. In September 1913, they moved the company headquarters to Leipziger Straße 31 in Dresden-Neustadt (site of the former Dresdener Maschinenfabrik & Schiffswerft AG).

Cotton and linen goods manufacture and wholesale - Martin Blumenthal

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The address book of the town of Nordhausen from 1903 contains the following entries: Blumenthal, Martin, manufacturer of woolen goods, Bahnhofstr.7 - Blumenthal, Louis, merchant, partner in the Martin Blumenthal company, Uferstr.9.In the 1930 population register of Nordhausen a. H. with the districts of Grafschaft Hohenstein and Ilfeld the following entry can be found - Blumenthal Martin, Baumwoll- und Leinenwaren-Fabrikation und -Großhandlung, Bahnhofstr.15.

Machine factory - Hugo and Alfred Laub

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In the Nördlingen address book from 1920, the following entry can be found under " Oettingen ": Laub Alfred, Maschinenfabr., Holzgraben C165, - Laub Hugo, Kaufmann, Maschinenfabrikant, Holzgraben C165. - Hugo Laub was born on April 7, 1883 in Gleicherwiesen. He was married to Johanna Hedwig Laub, née Rotter, born on January 15, 1899 in Glogau. Hugo Laub died by suicide on August 22, 1938.

Linen and cotton goods factory - Bendix & Co.

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The address book of the city of Berlin from 1875 contains the following entries: Linen and cotton goods factory, Sorau and Berlin, Bischofstr. 6.7 P. E., Inh. Waldemar Bendix u. Ww. Friedrike Bendix, née Cahnheim. - Bendix Waldemar, merchant, Bischofstr.6. 7. - Waldemar Bendix was born in Berlin on September 15, 1849. His parents were Moritz Bendix, born in Berlin on June 21, 1812 - died in Berlin on November 22, 1873 and his wife Friederike Bendix, née Cahnheim, born in Berlin in 1818, daughter of Wolff Laser Cahnheim and Emma Cahnheim.

Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & Co

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In 1912, the Dutchman Johan Steenbergen founded the Industrie- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH in Dresden. The company produced photographic equipment and consumer goods. After merging with the company of camera table maker Emil Englisch in 1918, the factory was called Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & Co. The shareholders were Johan Steenbergen, Emil Englisch, Otto Diebel, Hugo Frauenstein, Konrad Koch, Emil Kirsch and Hermann Schubert.

Cigarette and tobacco factory 'Monopol' B. L. Hurwitz

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The businessman Bernhard Lippmann Hurwitz registered a cigarette and tobacco factory at Zirkusstraße 7/0 with the Dresden Trade Office on May 9, 1895. After various business relocations within the city of Dresden, cigarette production began at the end of September 1902 at Blasewitzer Strasse 68 (rear building)

On October 3, 1934, the Jewish owners of the factory, Benno Hurwitz and Dr. Emil Hurwitz, were deported by the NS states. Emil Hurwitz, were expropriated by the Nazi state.

Aurelia Zigarettenfabrik GmbH - Cigarettenfabrik Garbáty (Dresden)

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Cigarette factory of the Berlin company of Josef Garbáty in Dresden. Garbáty had taken over the Dresden Aurelia cigarette factory in 1926.

The Jewish Garbáty family emigrated to America in 1939 after the Garbáty property was forcibly sold to the Jacob Koerfer Group from Cologne and the Hamburg-based Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken in the course of the „elimination of Jews from economic life“ in 1938. Josef Garbáty remained in Pankow and died in 1939 two days after his birthday at the age of 88.