Bahnhofstraße 72
33829 Borgholzhausen
The cemetery is located about two kilometers west of the city center on Bahnhofstrasse (L785) on the southern slope of the Nollbrink. It was probably established as early as 1750 as a joint burial ground for the synagogue communities in Borgholzhausen and Versmold, which had previously buried their deceased in the Jewish cemetery in Bielefeld. In a land map from 1772 the cemetery is marked as a parcel of land "Judenkirchhof", which must have been owned by the Borgholzhausen synagogue community at least since 1877. The 127 preserved gravestones are inscribed in Hebrew on the east side and partly in German on the west side. Due to progressive weathering the inscriptions are partly hardly readable. With the burial of the Versmold Jüdin Regina Spiegel, who died on March 21, 1937, the occupancy of the cemetery ended. Regina Spiegel was an aunt of Paul Spiegel, the former chairman of the Central Council of Jews. In the neighboring development area "Enkefeld" a street was named after her.
Since 1986, the cemetery is registered under No. 2 in the list of monuments in Borgholzhausen. Wikipedia
The cemetery is maintained by the city of Borgholzhausen. It is secured with a high wire fence and a locked wrought iron gate.
Vom Vormärz bis zur Befreiung vom Faschismus (1815-1945). Lage: Jacobs 2001
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