Seydelstraße 8/9
10117 Berlin
Hausvogteiplatz was considered the center of Berlin's fashion world in the 1920s. Erdmannsdorfer Büstenfabrikate GmbH was first mentioned in the Berlin address books in 1911. The company moved several times around Hausvogteiplatz until 1938. However, for the longest time it was located at Seydelstraße 8/9. The founder of the company was Adolf Samson, under whose management mannequins were manufactured. The Büro and exhibition rooms were located in Berlin, while production took place in the Upper Silesian town of Erdmannsdorf (today: Mysłakowice in Poland). After Adolf Samson's death, his son Friedrich Samson took over the company. He was able to further establish the company in the Berlin fashion world and exhibited his mannequins at numerous international fairs. For the decoration of these exhibitions, his second wife Anneliese Samson was mainly responsible.
Größere Bekanntheit reached the Erdmannsdorfer Fabrikate, when it was commissioned with the production of the first fashion sculptures of the sculptor Rudolf Belling in 1921. These fashion sculptures are still considered unique works of art, which reminded of the new life feeling of the 1920s.
However, it came with the Nazi era and above all the Reichspogromnacht to the end of Erdmannsdorfer Fabrikate. The Nazis confiscated Samson's company, Friedrich Samson was arrested and deported to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. A year earlier, Belling's fashion sculptures were branded as „degenerate art“. During the Second World War, the village of Erdmannsdorf became an external camp of the concentration camp Groß-Rosen.
After several weeks of imprisonment in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Samson was released again and emigrated to Sweden in June 1939 with his wife and daughter, where he lived until his death in 1969. The company disappeared from the Berlin Commercial Register in 1948 because it is said to have moved to Hesse. After that, the traces become more and more blurred.
handwritten (pencil): "Eugen Samson / wife name ? // husband Jaretzky / Trude Jaretzky née Samson // Benno Samson (ill) / Clara Samson // husband Friedmann / Erna Friedmann née Samson / children Gerda and Hans Friedmann // Friedrich Samson / Mata Samson / children Hans Gerhard and Ellen Samson."
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