Zeulenrodaer Straße 8
07973 Greiz
50.657530653317, 12.187358907869
On October 15, 1898, Hans Hermann Heller was born in Greiz, the son of Paul and Edwig Heller. From 1916 to 1918 he was a soldier in the First World War. During this time he suffered an injury to his arm, which prevented him from pursuing his intended career as a pianist. He decided to study music theory and piano at the Leipzig Conservatory. There he met his later wife Ingrid Heller (née Eichwede, *1905). In 1925 he moved to Berlin to begin private studies in counterpoint, instrumentation and composition with Franz Schreker. In 1927 he married Ingrid Eichwede and two years later their son Peter was born. The first premiere of a work by Hans Heller took place in 1931 on Berlin radio. In 1933 the family moved to Paris. After paying the Reichsfluchtsteuer, Paris was recognized as Hans Heller's official residence in 1934. At the outbreak of war he was interned and had to perform forced labor. In 1940 he fled from the German occupiers to the „Free Zone“ (Süd France) and reunited with his family there. At the end of 1943, Hans Heller was arrested by the Nazis and deported to a French labor camp. There he had to perform forced labor until he was able to escape at the end of 1943 / beginning of 1944. From March to September 1944, Hans Heller and his family hid near the town of Nicirc;mes and were supported by local residents and members of the Résistance. In April 1946 the family attempted a new start in the USA (1952 immigration), but returned to Greiz in the 1950s. On December 09, 1969 Hans Heller died.
Birth of Hans Hermann Heller
15. Oktober 1898
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Military service
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Move to Berlin and private studies with Franz Schreker
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Marriage of Hans Heller and Ingrid Eichwede
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Relocation of the Heller family to Paris
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Internment and performance of forced labor
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Escape of Hans Heller to the "Free Zone" (South of France)
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Arrest of Hans Heller and deportation to a French labor camp
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Escape of Hans Heller from forced labor, escape of the family to Nîmes
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Literatur (letzter Zugriff am 10.02.2021) (letzter Zugriff am 10.02.2021) (letzter Zugriff am 10.02.2021)
Grünzweig, Werner, Hans Heller : * 15. Oktober 1898 Greiz ✝ 9. Dezember 1969 Berlin, in: Franz Schrekers Schüler in Berlin : Biographische Beiträge und Dokumente, Berlin (Universität der Künste) 2005 = Schriften aus dem Archiv der Universität der Künste Berlin : 8, S. 46-49.
Flach, Hartmut, Schicksale Greizer jüdischer Familien in Folge der Arisierungspolitik nach 1933 : Vortrag am 30. August 2011 im Weißen Saal des Unteren Schlosses in Greiz, Greiz 2011.
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