Brückenstraße 10/12
07973 Greiz
The Wiesenthal family lived at Brückerstraße 10/12 in the 1920s. This included the father Karl (Chaskel) Wiesenthal, his wife Marie (Miriam, *1898) and their joint children Josef (*1923), Hella (*1924) and Lily (*1932).
Karl Wiesenthal was born in 1895 in Galicia. In 1913 he came to Greiz and in 1914 went to the front in the Kaiserlich-Königliches Infanterieregiment. Towards the end of the war he was taken as an Italian prisoner of war and was later sent to a French prisoner of war camp. In 1920 he was released and after a short stay with relatives in Galicia returned to Greiz. In 1921 he married Marie. Together they founded the shop for men's and boys' clothing and workwear Wiesenthal & Co. at the corner of Thomasstraß/Burgstraß. After the rise of Hitler's government, Karl Wiesenthal sold the business and the apartment and emigrated with his family to New York via Karlsbad in 1933. Karl Wiesenthal's mother Rosa Geffner and his sister Minna lived in Greiz with the Wiesenthal family in the same household. Rosa and Minna Geffner returned to Galazia in 1933. There they perished. Karl Wiesenthal's second sister Bertha Geffner married and moved with her husband to Israel. After Karl Wiesenthal's death, his wife Marie (Mary) moved to Ramat Gan (Israel), where she worked as a painter. Their son Josef lived later in NY, the daughters Hella and Lily lived in Israel.
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