Greifswalder Chaussee 44
18439 Stralsund
The Jewish cemetery in Stralsund was acquired by the Stralsund synagogue community in 1850 and expanded in 1912. During the National Socialist regime, the Jewish community was forced to sell the cemetery to the city in the early 1940s. Until today, the cemetery remained intact. In 1956 it was transformed into a memorial site. In this process the gravestones were moved, as it is still visible today. On 19.08.1997 the state association of the Jewish community of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern took over the cemetery. The last renovation took place between 2000 and 2008. Today, the Jewish cemetery is an openly accessible memorial site.
edit 13.07.20 (Signe Winter)
- an (official) memorial stone
.- two (private - family) memorial stones
.- 73 gravestones
- one grave pedestal (without stone)
Note: according to Hebrew inscription deceased on 17. Tammuz 5669 = 6. July 1909 => not identical with German indication of date of death
according to Hebrew inscription 2nd line: Grosmann / begr.: 6. Ijar 5678
according to Romanian inscription: Aci se Odihneste Soldatul = here rests in peace the soldier / pentru patrie = for the fatherland / Comersant Bukaresti Romania = merchant or trader Bucharest Romania.
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