Markt 1
14943 Luckenwalde
Levin Moses (about 1721-1808) was the first Schutzjude who was allowed to settle in Luckenwalde. The acquisition of a house was only possible because Frederick the Great wanted to advance his porcelain manufactory.In order to receive a privilege, each Jew had to purchase porcelain for 300 thalers and export it abroad. In addition, no one in Luckenwalde wanted to pay for the dilapidated schoolhouse on the property, so the Oberamtmann Klintzmann persuaded Levin Moses to bid on the previously unauctioned house, waived 50 thalers of the purchase price because of the porcelain and sold to Moses.
The latter built and moved into his house in 1778. After that he was financially at the end, could no longer make the porcelain purchase, applied for a remission to the magistrate, who agreed.
On 1.4.1783, the king's requirement came to the magistrate to take action against Moses under threat of execution if the porcelain purchase was not completed. Since Levi Moses was at the mercy of the king, he bought porcelain for 200 thalers.
In the following years, he successfully litigated several times against other merchants who were engaged in unauthorized cloth trade.
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