Rungestraße 22
16515 Oranienburg
52.7582143, 13.2450398
Until 1933, business with the farmers in the area goes well. When the Nazis come to power, the business loses more and more suppliers who no longer want to work with the butchery for anti-Semitic reasons. As a result, the business gets into great financial difficulties. After Georg Bach and his wife Edith as well as Walter Bach leave their home country and emigrate, Martin Bach flees to Madeira in the spring of 1938 before his planned arrest by the Gestapo. From 1939 to 1947, the Bachs are able to operate a newly founded sausage factory in exile. They then emigrate to the USA in Wisconsin.
On January 19, 2012, a commemorative plaque is inaugurated in the guest room of the now " Alte Fleischerei" in Oranienburg.
In2019, only a facade reminds of the former butchery, after the rest of the site was demolished for a construction project.
by the Jewish master butcher Eduard Bach
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Eduard Bach falls ill, dies at the age of 61 and is buried in the Jewish cemetery.
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His wife Emma and his sons Georg, Walter and Martin inherit and modernize the business.
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Lease of the business to the brother of Walter Bach's wife, Alfred Barsch.
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Martin Bach flees from the Nazi regime to Madeira and receives asylum there with his family.
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Start-up of a butcher's shop on Madeira in Funchal.
Epoche universalgeschichtlich
Biereigel, Hans,Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit, Niemanden und nichts vergessen, Dortmund 2014, S. 95-97.
Marques, Helena, O bazar Alemao, 2010.
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