Eggersdorfer Weg 5
15374 Müncheberg
On 02.04.1740 the Müncheberg magistrate gave the Jews residing in the town an area on the vineyard as a burial ground. Jewish burials had probably taken place in this area outside the town before. In 1756 the Jewish community bought the 18.85 x 11.31 m large area and established their cemetery on it. In 1837 the cemetery was extended and surrounded on three sides with a wall and on the back side with a wooden reinforcement and provided with footbridges and flowerbeds. In 1886 it was extended again by 16m in length and 12m in width. The gravestones bear eloquent witness to how Germans of the Jewish faith integrated themselves into the German state. While the older stones still bear Hebrew inscriptions, the newer stones are inscribed with Latin letters. After the terrible progrom in the night from 09. to 10.11.1938, called "Reichskristallnacht" by the National Socialists, the Jewish life in Müncheberg became extinct.
The impious and cultureless leaders of N.S.D.A.P. and SA let the Volkssturm hold shooting exercises on the Jewish cemetery at the end of the war, of which impacts on gravestones testify.
Our beloved father and grandfather Sally Lewin born December 23, 1856 d. October 7, 1932
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