Hauptstraße 2
73033 Göppingen
The textile business was founded in 1867 by Adolph Heimann, who came from Oberdorf am Ipf. After his death in 1903, his sons Julius and Ludwig Heimann took over the business. From 1913, Ludwig Heimann and his wife Betty, née Bergmann from Gunzenhausen, continued to run the business alone. Despite increasing reprisals and calls for boycotts, the Heimann couple continued to run the business until 1938, when they sold it for reasons of "racial persecution" and in the course of the Aryanization of Jewish businesses. In 1937, the couple still managed to send their son Rolf to North America. Ludwig and Betty Heimann did not manage to escape to a safe foreign country. On August 20, 1942, the couple was transported to Theresienstadt. Ludwig Heimann lost his life there on August 15, 1943. The trace of his wife Betty disappears in May 1944 on the transport to the extermination camp Auschwitz. The fate of the Heimann family is commemorated by two Stolpersteine in front of their former residential and commercial building at Haupstraße 2 in Göppingen.
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