Synagogue Obergasse (Upper Gleen, Kirtorf)

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Initially there was a prayer room (synagogue) in a private Jewish house. In 1846, during a visit to Ober-Gleen, the Grand Ducal Land Rabbi Levy recommended the extension of the synagogue. Whether this was done at that time is not known. There were insufficient funds for a new building at that time. After all, a fund for a new synagogue building was created in October 1846.  

Synagogue Nordecker Street (Allendorf/Lumda)

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Initially there was a prayer hall or a first synagogue. A (new) synagogue was built in 1844, respectively in a purchased building. The building probably also housed the religious school and the teacher's apartment. The synagogue building was a two-story half-timbered house.

Until 1938, the synagogue served as the center of Jewish life in Allendorf. Even before the November pogrom in 1938, the building was sold. Nevertheless, during the November pogrom the interior was completely destroyed. 

Baisingen Synagogue Memorial

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Today's memorial synagogue Baisingen represents an important place of Jewish culture in the district of Rottenburg am Neckar. The synagogue was built in 1748 and gave the Jewish population in Baisingen the opportunity to pursue their religious daily life. After the synagogue was destroyed by the National Socialists in 1939, it was used as a barn.