White and woolen goods store - J. Danziger

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The first owner and proprietor of the "Weiß-und Wollwarengeschäft J. Danziger" Isidor Danziger was married to Regina Baumann. In July 1919 he sold his business to Rosa Appel. She continued to run the business under the name "J. Danziger Nachfolger", but sold it to her husband Philipp Mendelsohn already in December 1919. In 1931, the store was still located at Kaiserstraße 9 under the name "J. Danziger Nachfolger".

Store for ladies hats and fashion goods - Barrasch-Lissmann

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The owners of the Barasch-Lissmann store for ladies' hats and fashion goods were Hanna Auerbach, née Lissmann, and Willy Mayer. After the marriage of the owner Hanna Lissmann with the Frankfurt Sanitätsrat Dr. Siegmund Auerbach in 1923, Willy Mayer became the manager. In 1933, Willy Mayer took over the store. However, the first boycotts against Jewish stores and businesses took place that same year. In 1938, the store opened under the name Damenhut - Spezialgeschäft Wildt.

Fashion goods - Louis Eisig

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The house at Kaiserstraße 6 belonged to the married couple Wilhelm Eisig and Hedwig Eisig, née Strauss. the couple lived in a rented apartment at Schillerstraße 90. in the house at Kaiserstraße 6, Wilhelm Eisig ran a store for women's clothing until his death in 1927. After Wilhelm Eisig's death, his wife rented the store to Adolf Oppenheimer, who from 1931 ran the "Spiers Schuhwarenhaus" there together with his wife Thekla. During the boycotts of Jewish businesses on April 1, 1933, the Salamander shoe store was also included.

Wine distillery and liqueur factory - Hermann Wollenberger

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Hermann Wollenberger founded a wine distillery and liqueur factory at Äußere Rosenbergstraße 17 in 1888. From 1930, the company was located in the newly acquired property Wollhausstraße 46, - meanwhile under the management of son Alfred Wollenberger, who also lived here with his family. Hermann Wollenberger died on March 24, 1932 in Heilbronn and was buried in the Jewish cemetery. His wife Lina Wollenberger, née Stein was forced into the Jewish old people's home in Herrlingen in 1939. She died there on March 27, 1940 and is also buried in the Jewish cemetery in Heilbronn.

Woven goods - wholesale and retail Jakob D. Reis - Moses Reis

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Moses, Baruch and Max Reis together ran the woven goods wholesale and retail business Jakob D. Reis. Moses Reis was one of the co-founders of the Israelite religious community Adass Yeshurun, in which he also served as treasurer. One of the Torah scrolls in the possession of the community had been donated on January 11, 1933 by the then headmaster Heinrich Scheuer and Moses Reis.

Cotton waste and plaster wool factory - Heinrich Schwarzenberger

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In 1869, the brothers Wolf and Heinrich Schwarzenberger opened the company Schwarzenberger and Sons in Karlsruhe. In 1871 Heinrich Schwarzenberger moved the company, which had been taken over by his father Levi Schwarzenberger in Untergimpern, - trade with cotton (fabric) remnants to Heilbronn. In later times Adolf and Lothar Schwarzenberger were the owners of the company. Heinrich Schwarzenberger died in Heilbronn in 1893. His grave is located in the Jewish cemetery in Heilbronn.

Tradesman - Sam J. Stern

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A legal dispute of the company "Gebr. Stern und Rosenstein" with the city of Heilbronn in 1840 about a large lot of stored wool in the wool house, which in the opinion of the company was not sufficiently secured, proves the increasing immigration and settlement of Jewish businesses in the city of Heilbronn. The owners of the company "Gebr. Stern und Rosenstein" were Isaac Stern, S. J. Stern and Moritz Rosenstein. Later they were joined by Maier Frankenbacher, who acquired citizenship in 1860.