Wine shop - David Wassemann

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In the Intelligence Gazette of the Royal Bavarian City of Noerdlingen from the year 1835, the following advertisement can be found: "The undersigned hereby honors himself with the announcement that he has founded a wine shop in Wallerstein and is provided with the most excellent varieties of Franconian, Rhine, French and Spanish wines. He recommends his new establishment with the assurance of the realest and cheapest service. - Wallerstein, May 25, 1835 - David Wassermann."


A. J. Frohmann - store for cloth and fashion goods

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In a record (census) of the Israelite population in the town of Oettingen from February 17/18, 1851, Amson Frohmann is named as head of the family. The number of souls with epitome of the family members also serving away from home is listed as 6. As information about the profession or trade "Associe" is given. In the Ingoldstadter Wochenblatt of September 1847, the following advertisement is found: "A. J.

Teacher, religious teacher and cantor - Feist Strauss

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Feist Strauß, born on December 17, 1834 in Kleinheubach, was the son of teacher Wolff Strauß and Karoline Wolff, née Goldschmidt. After studying at the school teachers' seminary in Würzburg, Feist Strauß taught first at two private posts in Eltville and Geldern and then at the elementary school in Obermoschel. In 1868, he then took up the post of teacher, religion teacher and cantor in Oettingen, where he had been active for many years.

Tobacco factory - S. Michelbacher

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The tobacco factory S. Michelbacher was founded in 1824. In an inventory/census of the Israelite population in the city of Oettingen from February 17/18, 1851, the family of the tobacco manufacturer Seligmann Michelbacher is also listed. The number of souls, including the family members who also served outside the town, is given as 4. In 1892 the tobacco factory was moved from Oettingen to Nuremberg. Ignaz Hirschberg was the owner of the banking business and the tobacco factory S. Michelbacher at that time.