Mechanical cotton weaving mill - Isaak Bernheim

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In 1874, the Constance merchant Jacob Koblenzer and his brother Adolf Koblenzer founded the company "Mechanische Weberei" in Meersburg .Isaak Bernheim was also involved as a partner of Adolf Koblenzer. Later the ways probably separated, because in Augsburg  Isaak Bernheim is mentioned as 2nd owner of a  weaving mill, which was probably founded in 1866 in a smaller scale, and which still became a respectable factory by its later 4th owner Bemberg ( J. P. Bemberg AG. ). Isaak Bernheim had gone bankrupt with the "Mechanische Baumwollweberei" in 1887.

Tradesman - Nathan Bendheim

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Nathan Bendheim was born around 1817. He was probably a successful merchant. In an obituary to Nathan Bendheim it says: "By trade and change in the manner and method of his co-religionists, especially also by considerable deliveries in the war years 1866 and 1870 he had gained a significant fortune and belonged to the local and Bergsträßer financial giants."The local Lutheran pastor also writes about the "long-time leader of the Jewish community, Mr. Nathan Bendheim" in his chronicle:  "On March 23, 1875, the long-time leader of the Jewish community, Mr. Nathan Bendheim, died.

David Bernheimer

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Plans for a new building of the Altdorf synagogue existed already in 1841. In a letter of the building commission especially founded for this purpose to the Ettlingen district office, H. Hirsch, Abraham Dreyfuß and David Bernheimer signed at that time.

Jersey factory - Carl Loewengard

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The origins of the tricot factory lie in 1853 and 1860, when Leopold Levy and Simon Loewengard founded a textile factory, which initially produced only aprons. Soon after, the textile factory became a tricot weaving factory with the manufacture of underwear. The tricot weaving mill also included a tailor's shop and a bobbin winding mill. Later Hermann Levy and Carl Loewengard took over the company. The company also sold abroad to England and Holland. With a large and modern machine park, the company had up to 400 employees from Hechingen and the surrounding villages.

Law office - Isaak Herzfelder

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Isaak Herzfelder was born on May 31, 1836 in Obernbreit. He was married to Luise Herzfelder née Löwenbach (born March 21, 1849 in Munich). The couple had two daughters: Marie verh. Gump (b. 1871) and Ida verh. Moos (b. 1886). Isaak Herzfelder died on November 11, 1904 in Augsburg. His wife Luise succeeded him on January 14, 1905 in Augsburg. Both were buried in the Jewish cemetery (Haunstetter Strasse) in Augsburg.

Haberdashery and toy wholesaler - Wernecker & Farnbacher

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The owners of the company Wernecker & Farnbacher - Otto and Fritz Farnbacher had to sell the company and the house to the company Grimm, Schmitt and Co. KG in 1938 in the course of the so-called Aryanization. Later the house was transferred to the NSDAP. Fritz Farnbacher had been the owner of a residential house at Hochfeldstraße 31 since 1925. In 1938 he was forced to sell his residential house and take in other Jewish families. His wife had to work in the balloon factory.