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Association~Social Activities
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Allgäu Friends of Israel e.V.

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You are interested in Israel? 

You would like to do something for the people there? 

You would like to be among like-minded people? 

We, the "Allgäuer Israelfreunde" have set ourselves the goal of deepening the relationship between the people of Allgäu and Israel by promoting understanding of the history, culture and religion in Israel and providing education about the current situation away from the often one-sided reports in the German media.   

Constantin Brunner Foundation Hamburg e. V.

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The Constantin Brunner Foundation promotes scholarly research and discussion of the life, work and impact of the German-Jewish philosopher Constantin Brunner (1862-1937). It strives to provide the public with access to Brunner's work and to his fundamental thought. To fulfill this purpose, the Foundation promotes new editions of Brunner's works that are out of print, as well as scholarly works or other activities related to Brunner's work.

Educational Center Chabad Lubavitch Hannover e.V.

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Chabad Lubavitch, Jewish Educational Center Hanover was founded in May 2005 by Rabbi Benjamin and his wife, Dipl.-Päd. Sterna Wolff. The goal is to strengthen the Jewish identity among the Jewish residents of Hannover. In the educational center lectures and programs for children (Sunday school; preparations for Bar/Bat Mitzvah; mother-child meetings etc.) are offered. 

Weimar Jewish Religious Association

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The statutes of the Jewish Religious Association state that the aim of the association is the preparation of the High Holidays and the implementation of religious education for children. The first chairman was the merchant Rudolf Sachs, from 1911 he was followed by the merchant Salomon (Sally) Kauffmann, after his death by the merchant Israel Berlowitz. The association was a member of the German-Israelite Community Federation. In 1925 every fourth of the 105 inhabitants belonged to it. Proposals to build a synagogue were put aside before 1914.