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Solomon Eagle Pack

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Salomon Adler-Rudel (also Shalom Adler-Rudel), who was born on June 23, 1894 in Czernowitz in the former Österreich-Hungary, was a social politician and pioneer of Jewish social work in Germany, Österreich, Great Britain and Israel.

Even at a young age, Salomon was politically active. From 1915 to 1918 he was secretary general of Poale Zion, a Zionist-socialist movement in Europe, Palestine, and North and South America.

Headquarters "Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens" (C.V.) with "Philo-Verlag" (1905-30)

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The Jewish Museum Berlin, opened in 2001, is located at Lindenstraße 9-14 in Kreuzberg. The baroque Kollegienhaus, once the seat of the Kgl. Kammergericht (Lindenstraße 14), housed the "Berlin Museum" (est. 1962) until 1995. On the fallow land south of Hollmannstrasse (Nos. 19-27), the spectacular extension by Daniel Libeskind was built from 1992/93. The course of Lindenstrasse to the south, towards Neuenburger Strasse, had already been significantly altered during new construction after 1961.

Agrippina House

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The Agrippinahaus was one of the most important commercial and office buildings of its time and, in addition to stores and the Agrippina-Lichtspiele, also housed important political organizations of Jews in the German Reich. Among others, the "Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens" (Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith) and the "Zionistische Vereinigung" (Zionist Association), which represented different positions and had a conflictual relationship with each other, moved into the building.

"Community for peace and construction"

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Hans Winkler was born in Berlin in 1906. After completing his administrative apprenticeship, he worked at the Luckenwalde district court. In November 1933, he was summoned to the town hall to record interrogations. Since these interrogations took place under torture, Winkler's personal-political turn came and he was convinced that he had to resist. Following an idea by Else Samuel, he founded the "Sparverein großer Einsatz" to collect money and food for Jews in hiding.

K.C. Connection "Sprevia

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At the end of the 19th century, almost all German student fraternities no longer accepted Jews. Jewish fraternities were founded. "Fearless and faithful!" was the motto of the Berlin fraternity Sprevia, founded in 1894. Two years later it joined the "Kartell-Convent deutscher Studenten jüdischen Glaubens" (KC). The KC summarized its goals as follows: "The fraternities of the KC stand on the ground of German patriotic sentiment.

German Israeli Society Hanover

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The German-Israeli Society Hannover (DIG) is a regional working group of the German-Israeli Society e.V. It works against anti-Semitism and for the security of Israel imd pursues dialogue between Germany and Israel on different levels. It is committed to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.