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Auguststraße 17
10117 Berlin

52.526612507598, 13.395330503515

Salomon Adler-Rudel (also Shalom Adler-Rudel), who was born on June 23, 1894 in Czernowitz in the former Österreich-Hungary, was a social politician and pioneer of Jewish social work in Germany, Österreich, Great Britain and Israel.

Even at a young age, Salomon was politically active. From 1915 to 1918 he was secretary general of Poale Zion, a Zionist-socialist movement in Europe, Palestine, and North and South America.

In 1919 he became director of the Welfare Organization of Eastern Jews in Berlin. He held this position until 1934. At the same time, in 1930, he began working as a business manager in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Jüdischen Arbeitsnachweise der jüdischen Gemeinde Berlin. This Arbeitsgemeinschaft supported Jews in Germany in their search for work. The German state in those days did not create any support measures for the Jewish population to get out of unemployment. For this purpose, the Jüdische Arbeitsnachweise were established, which functioned as state-approved and organized headquarters for job placement.

Place to the person Salomon Adler-Rudel - the Arbeitsfürsorgeamt der Jüdischen Organisationen Deutschlands und deutsche Vertretung der Poale Zion. This is in the Auguststraße 17 in Berlin center (10117).

The first groupings of the movements had arisen at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia. With increasing immigration of Jewish people from Eastern Europe, these organizations also established themselves in Berlin. The Poale Zion was finally founded on November 19, 1918.

According to Salomon Adler-Rudel, the Arbeiterfürsorgeamt was mainly responsible for negotiations with state authorities concerning arrests and threatened expulsions. Passport matters and papers for the numerous stateless persons could also be applied for there.

Adler-Rudel, Salomon. In: Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren. Band 1: A–Benc. Hrsg. vom Archiv Bibliographia Judaica. Saur, München 1992, ISBN 3-598-22681-0, S. 78–80.
Nanette Wolf: Adler-Rudel, Salomon, in: Hugo Maier (Hrsg.): Who is who der Sozialen Arbeit. Freiburg : Lambertus, 1998 ISBN 3-7841-1036-3, S. 31f.
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