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Johanna Schrangenheim

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Johanna Schrangenheim lived in Stade from 1886. She converted from Judaism to Christianity.

Johanna Schragenheim worked as a seamstress in various households in Stade. She often helped the children with their schoolwork. She must have been a respected and respected person in the town. Nevertheless, after the National Socialists came to power, she experienced ostracism and discrimination and had to move house several times involuntarily.

Bertha Davids, née Spier and son Otto David - Harsefelder Str. 31

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Bertha Davids, née Spierrth

Bertha Bella Spier was born in 1865 and was married to Abraham (Albert) Davids. The marriage produced two children, Erna and Otto Davids.

The family lived in Stade from 1908, where Abraham (Albert) Davids ran his business as a cattle dealer at 31 Harsefelder Strasse. The Davids family belonged to the small Jewish community of Stade.

Julius Silber

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Text of the card - Dear Julius ! Show dear Irma these animals, if you know what they are called. We went to see the zoo here. Greetings, Dad - Greetings, dear mother - Julius Silber was born on February 24, 1902. His parents were August Silber, born on November 15, 1873 in Mainstockheim, and Ida Silber, née Kunreuther, born on February 13, 1876 in Straubing. She was the daughter of Moritz Moses Kunreuther from Büdingen  and his wife Jeanette, née Feuchtwanger from Fürth.

Ludwig Horwitz

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Ludwig Horwitz came from a family of merchants in Nuremberg. He had at least one brother - Arthur, born in 1887, who was married to Alice Blumenstiel from Frankenthal and lived in Nürnberg. The Nürnberg residents' registration card Ludwig Horwitz notes the following about the unmarried specialist for stomach and intestinal diseases Dr. Ludwig Horwitz, born in 1877: „07.04.1931: Suicide by drowning“. - In the complete index of German literature 1700 - 1900 Volume 64 - Holt-Hor  the following entry can be found: Horwitz Ludwig, approb. Arzt aus Nürnberg: Aus d. pharmakol.

Merchant - Ludwig Cohen

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The address book of the city of Munich from 1875 contains the following entry: Cohen Ludwig, merchant, Weinstraße 14  -  Ludwig Cohen was born on September 1 in Wallerstein. His parents were Aron Benjamin Cohen, born on January 13, 1797 in Wallerstein, and Therese Bauer, born on September 13, 1802 in Hainsfarth. The family tree of the Cohen family goes back to Lublin in 1610 to Rabbi Nachman Hacohen Lifshitz Rappaport. Ludwig was the second-born and had 8 siblings. On August 20, 1851, Ludwig Cohen married Klara Pflaum, who was born in Pflaumloch on November 8, 1831.

Apartment Hans and Helmut Teichner (nephews of Cilly and Adolf Hirsch)

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The Teichner family consisted of the following people: Father: Leopold Teichner, merchant (1871-), mother: Marta née Lissmann (1870-), Hans (1908-1957) Helmut (1911-2001), Alice and Katharina (1906-). Marta Teichmann was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Hirsch (also née Lissmann) and the mother of the actress Lilli Palmer. This meant that the children Hans, Helmut, Alice and Katharina were cousins of this actress.

Leopold Reichenberg

Complete profile

Text of the card: - Dear Leopold. - I received your lovely card and hope that you are doing well in Homburg, I am not going to the baths this year. Thank God my Clara is quite well. Greetings to you - your ...... Brother Salomon  -  Best regards from your sister Rosa. - Leopold Reichenberger was born in Ichenhausen in February 1846. His parents were Abraham Reichenberger, born around 1799 in Markt Berolzheim, and Jette Gerstle, born on April 8, 1809 in Ichenhausen.

Julius Strassburger

Complete profile

Julius Strassburger was born on March 29, 1896 in Leutershausen. His parents were Max Strassburger and his wife Frieda, née Oppenheimer. On October 5, 1930, he married Selma Manie, who was born on September 23, 1904 in Geinsheim. The couple had two sons - Manfred Strassburger, born in 1932, and Hans Siegfried Strassburger, born in 1934.Julius Strassburger worked as a leather buyer.  From November 1, 1930 to September 1, 1932, the family lived at Nächstenbacherweg 8. From September 1, 1932 until their emigration on June 27, 1936, the family lived at Hildastr. 6.